“Divine Decision Making”–The Ability To No Longer Make Any Wrong Decisions!

Yesterday’s decisions have produced today’s experience. Your decisions are determining your life.  You are required to make so many decisions (conscious and unconscious) in a given day that you are likely to make some detrimental ones from-time-to-time.

Everything from your experiences, education, understanding, opinion, brain development, and mood, affect your decision making. What if you had a built-in system that sat at the door of your decision making and positively affected and influenced every decision you made? There is such a thing! I call it “Divine Decision Making.” Divine means of, from, or like God. So, divine decision making is for your decision making to be of, from, and like God’s decision making. Let’s ask God for it:

Father I pray that you would grant me divine decision making—that I would not make one wrong decision in this season. I pray that the decisions that I make will not be based on my limited knowledge and information, but would be divinely influenced by your unlimited knowledge and understanding. I can catch part of the picture; however, you can see the entire picture.  You have “super vision,” that’s why you’re my “Supervisor.” I pray that (in real time) you would be the number one influencer of my decisions.  If I ever decide to do what (on the surface) appears to be to my advantage, but in fact is to my demise, I pray that you would intervene and change the course of my decision. I believe that I now have divine decision making—that I will not make one wrong decision in this season of my life!!!



  1. Keep praying for divine decision making.

Did God hear your prayer the first time? Yes! However, when you pray the same prayer multiple times YOU get to hear it again. Every time you hear it you are reminded of this new and powerful inclusion that has been added to your strategic mix.

  1. Be more sensitive to God’s influence in your decision making.

Every time you have a conscious decision before you, open your spirit to receive God’s influence. He’s now the number one influence in your decision making. He has already made every decision. You are deciding to choose what He is deciding. So, you have to turn up the volume of your spiritual ears. You have to dial up the sensitivity monitor in your spirit. Be more alert of God’s nudges, promptings, signs, symbols, and urgings. You are going to have a new sense of “knowing what to do.”

  1. Expect to make the right decision every time.

Raise your expectations. The level of your expectation is determining the level of your experience. Your life has just been greatly enhanced because God is now affecting and influencing every decision that you will make. .

You can make the right decision EVERY SINGLE TIME when you have divine decision making.

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Your “Future” Is Hidden In Your “Present”

Everything you do in the present moment will have some type of effect on a future moment. The effect always comes after the cause. You have what you have be“cause.” “Understanding” is the ability to relate events and information to the big picture. It is the ability to know what type of effect your current thought, word, and action will have on the broader scheme of things. That’s why the apostle Paul prayed, “The eyes of your understanding being enlightened…” (Ephesians 1:18).

That is what “living on purpose” is really all about. It’s about being deliberate. It relates to knowing exactly why you are saying what you are saying, and doing what you are doing. Living on purpose means you understand that what you do “right here” is going to affect something else “over there.”

Here are 4 laws of “Your Future Being Hidden in Your Present:”

  1. You can’t go somewhere you’ve never been.

You have to go there on the inside before you will ever experience it on the outside. In order to leave the current level you have to first have a vision of a higher level. That is why “vision” is so vital. Vision is the ability to see with the eyes inside your “heart” not the eyes in your “head.” You must practice using the eyes in your heart to see who you’re supposed to be, what you’re supposed to do, and where’re you’re supposed to go. God will show you pictures of yourself being something great and doing something great. You have to practice capturing those pictures and live there in your imagination and in your spirit. Then, you will eventually arrive there physically.

  1. What you entertain today believes it has a chance to enter your life.

Every thought that enters your mind is actually a word and action this is looking for expression. If you entertain a thought (a good or bad thought), it believes it has a chance to enter your life. The goal of that thought is to get you to convert it from a thought to a word—and then from a word to an action. If that happens, that thought will have transformed itself into verbal and visible expression in the earth.


  1. What you do today determines what you receive tomorrow.

You are familiar with the law of sowing and reaping. It simply states that your future is hidden in your present. Everything you do today is sowing. Your thoughts, your words, your smile, your laughter, your kindness…are all seeds released in the present that will have some sort of effect on your future. Sow wisely; sow strategically; sow purposefully.

  1. Your future is watching your present to see what instructions were sent to it.

The future doesn’t just happen—it gets its assignment from the present. That’s why today is one of most powerful days of your life. It’s setting you up for tomorrow.

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The “You” Who Asks for Something Great and the “You” Who Receives It Are 2 Different People

When something is missing in your life it is very likely because you have not qualified for it yet. God often puts desires inside you for great things that are beyond your current level. You think that the great thing you’re pursuing is the reward, when the real reward is the new “you” that the pursuit is going to produce.

Several years ago I was frustrated by the fact that I wasn’t producing 60 per month in a certain area. I prayed and asked God why I was not able to hit “60 per month.”  For 2 years God did not say one thing in response to my prayer. After 2 years I started averaging over 60 per month. Then, for the first time in over 2 years, God begin to talk to me about it. He said, “Two (2) years ago you weren’t in position to produce 60 per month.”  “You didn’t have the structure for it; you didn’t have the staff for it; you didn’t have the marketing in place for it.”  In other words, you can pray for something that you have not even prepared for.  You can be praying for something that you are not going to receive because you do NOT qualify for it yet.

Many times we’re a roast beef sandwich level individual asking for a filet mignon level blessing. The “you” who asks for something great and the “you” who receives it will be two (2) different people. The “you” who receives the great thing you’re asking for today is usually a much more structured, disciplined, organized, and wiser individual. Focus on becoming the individual who already has the great thing you’re seeking. When you become that person, the thing you’re seeking will start seeking you…until it finds its way to your door.


Here’s how to accelerate the process:  Just start acting like the person you were going to give yourself 5 years to become. 

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You Need a New “Mind” in Order to Have a New “Life”

Yesterday’s mind qualified you for the past; today’s mind qualifies you for the present; but you’re going to need a new mind to qualify you for your future. Your future always requires something of you that your present doesn’t. In other words, you’ll stay at today if you continue to think the way you think today. In order to navigate a successful future you need to cultivate a successful mind (if you will).

The thinking on this level does not qualify you to go to the next level. You must step into the thinking realm of the next level in order to enter it. You need a new “mind” in order to have a new “life.”


If you want to improve your “actions” you must improve your “thoughts.”  You have to think better; think higher, and with more quality. Your thoughts are your actions’ parent.  Your actions are not automatic. Your actions are under the influence of your mind. Instead of trying to change your actions, focus on changing how you think and your mind will change your lifeYour lifestyle looks like your mind style.

2 Practical Things:

  1.  In order to get a new mind you have to put new thoughts in it.
  • In order to get a new mind you have to allow it to hear things from a world beyond the current world in which you operate.
  1. You must constantly hear things that are beyond you.
  • Find a source of revelation, inspiration, and impartation that are beyond your world of thinking.
  • Who is the greatest thinker that you know? Get in their presence and hear some of their thoughts.
  • Then put the message on repeat.

If you want a new world you have to get a new mind. Your life transformation takes place in your mind before it ever appears in your world.

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