Don’t Make “Permanent ” What God Has Made “Temporary”

When something significant is being built, scaffolding is put in place to support the building process. Scaffolding is temporarily attached to what is being built to get to places you could not ordinarily reach. The structure can’t be elevated to higher levels without the scaffolding. Once the structure is ready to be revealed the temporary scaffolding is removed.

As God is “building you,” there are temporary things in your life that you must not get attached to. Sometimes we get too attached to people; we get too attached to places; we get too attached to institutions. You have to recognize what is being used as a “temporary” means to move you ahead verses a source that you are to have “permanent” reliance on. That’s why sometimes relationships fall apart. Sometimes you lose an appetite for what used to feed you. Every now and then your reliance on an institution will be disappointed. You must understand that some people, some places, some institutions, some mindsets, and some approaches have expiration dates on them.

There are times when you have to blatantly abandon “what was” in favor of “what is to be.” You can’t be so attached to the “present” that you are not willing to abandon it in favor of your “future.” If there is no more life in it, it has already left you. Do not be so attached to something that you are not willing to let it go even when it has already gone.

Do not try to make “permanent” what God has made “temporary.”

I am excited about the release of my highly touted new book called Transition—Mastering Life’s movements! It speaks more extensively on letting go of the “present” in favor of your “future,” and so much more!!
Take a look at what people are saying about the book:

-I just finished this book and (((WOW))) what a great book that really gives you the bigger picture of what we all go through in life but never see it from this perspective. I love how this book gives you some specific practical tools that you can do every day and that you can be aware of in your conscious mind. I recommend getting this book in your library now, and once you read it you will want others to have it too. This will bless many.

-I Love this book! From the time I started reading it I knew right away that what I was reading was for me! As I read the first chapter describing to me what transition was or is; it was like food for my soul. I ate the first chapter really fast, it motivated and inspired me. I tweeted about how fast I was eating the book. I have been freed up from the confusion that seemingly alluded my life.

-I can only find “two” words right now. And that’s Anointed and Brilliant! I’m still in “Awe”! Seriously – no fluff! This book has just about summarized my past and present.

If you have not had the chance to get your copy of my powerful new book, consider getting a copy right now. Several people have purchased a copy for themselves and A second copy to sow into someone else’s life.


I JUST RELEASED MY NEW BOOK: Transition–Mastering Life’s Movements!!!

Are you one of the millions of people who are in a place where something has ended and you know you can’t return to it, and the next season has started but you haven’t yet arrived in it? The something that is ending could be a way of thinking, a mindset, a relationship, or a host of other things. It’s like your left foot is on your “present” while your right foot is stepping into your “future.” You’re in between where you’re at and where you’re going to be.

Well that’s called transition. Life is a series of transitions. Your ability to understand and master transition is the key to you mastering the abrupt changes that life throws at you. And your inability to understand and navigate your way through transition can be a prescription for disaster.

Here’s help! I just released what I’m told is a very powerful, cleaver, creative, life-changing new book called Transition—Mastering Life’s Movements. It quickly went to #1 on the Amazon Hot New Sellers list in the professional growth category!!!!
I would love for you to get a copy of Transition—Mastering Life’s Movements. You can pre-order the paperback NOW and it will be delivered on March 1st, 2016! The E-Book can be yours right now. Order whatever version you choose right now by clicking on the link of your choice!




If you purchase and read Transition, you will:
• Understand what “transition” is and why it is so powerful.
• Learn that many times crisis is a mirage that on the surface appears to be meant to “bury you,” but often turns out to “elevate you.”
• Gain tremendous clarity on the difference between “change” and “transition.”
• Learn compellingly effective ways to navigate through the abrupt changes that life throws at you.

The Truth That Repeats Itself

Some powerful truths present themselves to you like a flash of light. They make a powerful bold entrance and then they are gone. If you fail to capture that truth on its fleeting introduction you may lose it forever. I’m speaking of the truth that did not linger. It did not stay around long enough to allow you to ponder it. It was fleeting. If you were not fast enough you may have never grasped it.

Then there are other truths that are more deliberate and more persistent. They make a bold entrance in your life, and make it clear that they are here to stay. If you do not get it on its introduction—no problem, because it will continue to speak to you until you hear it loud-and-clear. I call it “The Truth That Repeats Itself.”

When I say “truth” I’m speaking of a powerful discovery that came from heaven and not from earth. I’m talking about a life operating principal or law that God established and released in the earth.

Like a good advertiser, God uses multi-media marketing to get His messages to you. Repetition is the secret to accessing the unconscious mind of people. The most important rule in marketing is repetition. Too many marketing programs give up too soon. On average, you need to have seven to nine repeats before you will see results in your marketing program.

Advertising and marketing people have figured out what God wired into us when He created us. Pay attention. When God is trying to get a message of change to you He uses “multi-media marketing.” He sends that message to you in multiple ways, multiple times. You must pay attention to what appears to be coincidental. It’s probably not a coincidence, it’s more likely a “Godincidence!”

A toddler might come up to you and say something to you related to a new powerful truth. Then, while driving down the road you turn on the radio and hear a song that relates to it. You may be sitting at home watching TV, and a commercial comes on that reminds you of the new powerful concept that has been speaking to you. Then you go to church and the speaker brings up that same topic.

When that happens, it is not a coincidence. The truth that repeats itself is the truth that is destined to change your life. When you find certain powerful truths repeating themselves, do these three things:

  1. Embrace the Truth

Once you discover a powerful truth that is trying to break into your life, grab a hold of it. Let it know that it’s welcome in your life. No longer ignore it. Keep it on your radar.

  1. Study the Truth

Hang out with the truth that is trying to hang out with you. Study that truth. When you show that you are a true student it will begin to release all of its secrets.

  1. Apply the Truth

Start importing that truth into your daily life. Practice it until you become it. It’s not the truths that you have heard that will transform you—it’s the truths that you merge into your thinking, patterns, approach, and actions, that makes you into another man/another woman.

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The Power of a Moment

Never discount the power of “a moment.” This moment is powerful because it has never existed before—neither will it ever exist again. So you must extract from this moment all that it has to offer. This moment has something to say—it has something to impart to you.

If you fail to pay attention to what “the present” is saying to you, you will lose “the present” that this moment is presenting. That gift will be lost. Every moment is different than the rest, even if you find yourself in the same place multiple times.

Not only does God create an entirely new day every 24 hours, but He creates an entirely new moment every second. Slow down and discern the present moment. Don’t discount this moment in favor of the next one. If you miss your moment, you will forever miss the value of what that moment had to offer. All of humanity could possibly be robbed of some amazing impartation because you failed to discern your moment.


God brought you out of the spirit world into this physical world. You came from another world. Therefore you have intelligence beyond your brain. Not only can your mind receive information, but your heart can receive an impartation. Don’t leave part of you behind. Bring all of you to the moment. Bring your thinking capacity, your sensing capacity, your instincts, and your ability to discern.

Your eyes are for seeing what’s obvious—your heart is for discerning what’s concealed. Your hands are for touching what’s noticeable—your heart is for touching what’s invisible. More is going on than the eye and ear can detect. Bring your entire being to the moment. Use all of you to pick up all that is being disseminated because this moment will never come again.

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Concealed Things Appear When You Get In The Right Place

In 1952 the cure for polio was discovered. However, the cure for polio actually existed prior to 1952 right alongside of polio—but it had to be discovered; it had to be revealed. What cure, what answer, what solution to your problem currently exists right alongside of your problem that you simply need to have revealed to you?

How do you get concealed things revealed to you? The obvious answer would be for you to seek the answers, solutions, and revelation you need. The unobvious answer is to seek the place that gives you the vantage point to see what is being hidden from you.

Not too long ago I was standing outside of a restaurant close to a large tree. A good friend of mine was several feet away from me but I did not know it because the tree was blocking my view of him. He was there but I could not see him. When I took two steps to the left I was surprised to see him standing only ten feet away from me. It was only when I got in the right place that I saw what was there all the time. If you can get in the right place you will be able to see what is there but hidden from you.


Someone from Florida can’t see the city of Detroit until they’ve entered the state of Michigan. There are certain things you will never see if you’re not in the right spiritual state. Maybe it’s not a matter of getting God to reveal things to you but a matter of you getting in a place where you can see revealed things.

How to Get In the Right State:

  1. Rid your mind of all prior thoughts on the matter.
  • If the dilemma still exists that means all the prior thoughts did not produce the solution.
  • Forget about everything that you did to decipher the code in the past. This will allow room for new un-thought thoughts.
  1. Discover the places in your world where you can hear the clearest.
  • It could be a drive into the country, sitting in the patio, on the lake, a walk in the woods, or sitting in the movie theater.
  • Once you discover that place, begin to frequent it for the purpose of hearing and seeing what you can’t hear and see anywhere else.
  • An uncluttered environment is the birthing place for “in”sight.
  1. Open your spirit to new thoughts on the matter that you have never considered.
  • If you’re not ready to record the new information it probably won’t come.
  • There are certain things that God won’t reveal until He knows you’re ready to record them.
  1. Discover what inspires creativity in you.
  • Creativity is attracted to creativity.
  • Go to the places that inspire the most creativity in you.
  • Get in the mindset that you are about to tap into solutions that you have never even considered before.
  1. Worship God as the God of creative power and authority.
  • What you worship Him “as” He will surround you “with.”


Your turn! What do you do to get yourself in the place to be able to see what is being hidden from you?


The Absence of “Visible” Results Does Not Mean the Lack of “Invisible” Activity

The past tries to convince you that anything that didn’t happen in its era is not going to happen in the next. The fact that it didn’t happen in the “past” is all the more reason for it to show up in your “future.” Your “negative” past is one of the worse predictors of your “positive” future.

Don’t judge your life by your current speed, but by the speed at which God can cause you to catch up (and pass) where you hoped to be by now.

Start sending as much as you possibly can into your future. Start sending power prayers, prophetic words, dreams, hope, visualization, declarations, and expectation. What you release “today” goes into your “tomorrow,” and will be there waiting for you when you get there in the form of a harvest.

God is already in next week. He’s not stuck in this present moment. He does not submit to time. Your current stagnation in the “natural” is not a sign of a stand-still in the “supernatural.” Spirituality is your realization of and connection to the “invisible world,” that controls everything that we see in the “visible world.” The absence of “visible” results does not mean the lack of “invisible” activity. The Apostle Paul said it this way, “So that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear” (Hebrews 11:3b). It’s what’s going on “behind the scenes” that’s controlling what we see “on the scene.”


God Could Be Behind the Scenes…

  • Scheduling a series of events that will propel you into your destiny.
  • Preparing to make one bold, swift move in your life that will catapult you quantum leaps ahead.
  • Clearing everything from the path ahead of you so you can walk in your future with no hindrances or encumbrances.
  • Doing something “in” you that will cause nothing but amazing things to spring forth “from” you.
  • Training your future to never ignore you like your past did.

Just because it appears that nothing “good” is happening right now does not mean nothing “God” is happening right now. Leave room in the equation for God. He’s behind the scenes right now aligning things for your future.

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The Power To Discern Your Season!!

A season is a special period, accompanied by purpose, power, and provision…or a lack of purpose, power, and provision. You have experienced seasons where you felt like you were living in your purpose, you were empowered to succeed, and the provision was flowing. It seemed like everything was going right. You have also experienced seasons where there didn’t seem to be a lot of purpose, there was very little power flowing in your life, money was “tight,” and everything seemed to be going wrong.

Do you know what season you’re in right now? You must discern what season you’re in right now so you know how to flow with what’s happening in your life. Are you in a season where everything seems to be going crazy? You must discern if this season of chaos is a season of developing the warrior within. If that’s the case, you have to pull together your weapons, get in your war posture, and fight your way out of that season.

Are you in a season where an unusual amount of money is flowing? If so, that’s great! Let me advise you to use this season to prepare for a future season of scarcity.

Your seasons change. They are not permanent. Some seasons even reoccur.

  • The season for prosperity is to prepare you for the season of scarcity.
  • The season of peace is to prepare for the season of war.
  • The season for pain is to give you an appreciation for the season of pleasure.


Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “To everything there is a season…” Here’s the revelation:

  1.  Seasons Are Not Permanent—They’re Going To Change.

The current season you are in is going to change. You should be constantly asking yourself the question, “What is ABOUT to change?” You must live in today, but think into tomorrow. Anticipate what is going to be changing a year from now and start preparing for it.

2.   To Every Season There is a Reason.

There is a reason why a season has come. It could be a season of warfare because your breakthrough is on the horizon. You could be in a season of reaping tremendous levels of success resulting from long seasons of preparation and education. You could be in a season of testing to determine if you qualify for promotion. There is a reason why this season has come. Pray for the ability to discern the times and seasons, and the wisdom to know what to do in every season.

  1. There’s a Right Time for Everything.
  • The season for research is not the season for launching.
  • The season for meditation is not the season for explanation.
  • The season of hiding is not the season of revealing.

There is something powerful about a purpose whose time has come. Nothing can stop it. But also keep in mind that every purpose has a timeframe attached to it. The second part of Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “…And a time to every purpose under the heaven.” So you must be time conscious and purpose conscious. Some windows only open for a short period of time. If you are not ready when the opening occurs, you may never have that opportunity again.

Your Turn: What season are you currently in? What do you need to do as a result of being in this season?

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