The Change You Anticipate Today Has No Power to Surprise You Tomorrow

Stan Ellis

Stan Ellis

Change has become more prominent in the last few years than ever before. Change is showing up everywhere. It has one of the loudest voices and is one of the most powerful influences of the current age. It seems to come out of nowhere. Many of the changes you experience present themselves almost as if they’re an enemy to your progress.  There are numerous changes that produce nothing but frustration. Just when you begin to find your flow, something unexpected can be introduced into your mix that interrupts your momentum.

Unexpected changes throws most people off and distracts them from their progress. Just when you figure out how to manage that difficult task, get everything figured out, and start making progress, something gets introduced into the mix that messes up everything. You’ve experienced having all the pieces of the proverbial puzzle together when something comes along and scrambles all the pieces, requiring you to start completely over.

It’s likely that something in your life is changing so slowly right now that you are probably not discerning just how much progress it’s making. I’m talking about an unwanted change. It just bodacious shows up on your radar one day and announces that it’s exerting its influence. When you look back in retrospect you realize that this change wasn’t as sudden as it first appeared. It had been slowly approaching you for some time. You just failed to discern that it was headed your way. Or, you were too busy with your life demands to do something about it before it forced itself on you.

Have you noticed that change does not make adjustments “for” you—it makes adjustments “to” you? It makes adjustments “in” you. Change does not respond to you—it demands that you respond to it.

What if you learned the art of discerning what is “about” to change before it actually comes? If you are ever blindsided by change you are already at a disadvantage. It places you in a position where you are reacting to the change that threw you off. It forces you to play from behind.   Here’s 3-ways to get an advantage over change:

        1.  Live Alert

  • Something is about to change. What is it?
  • Don’t wait until you are shocked by change. Begin to ask yourself, “What is most likely to change next year, six months from now, next month?”
  • What is already on shaky ground? What is reaching the end to its useful life?
  • Discern the things in your life that you’re depending on right now that are not sustainable long-term.

       2.  Live in Today While Thinking in Tomorrow.

  • Beat change to the punch.
  • Change something before change does.
  • If you are active at making changes in your thinking, your preparation, your daily patterns, and your disciplines, when change comes it simply becomes a part of what you’re already doing—changing.

        3.  Initiate and institute change into your life-flow.

  • There are too many layers to you for you to remain the same anyway.
  • Each change you make is simply a new reflection of the amazing “you” that you are.
  • Change a pattern of thought. Forgive quickly, release daily, love freely.
  • Change your disciplines. Get up early, do things correctly, refuse to be ordinary.
  • Change your environment. Go where you’re inspired. If it doesn’t inspire, let it expire.

What did this article speak to you?

Limit is Simply a Checkpoint at the Border of Your Next Level

Stan Ellis

Stan Ellis

Every level is protected by a barrier. If you haven’t met the qualifications of the next level you will not be allowed into it. Most people want to be promoted without meeting the prerequisites. You’ve seen the sub-par singers auditioning for the popular singing competition on TV. They can’t sing, but they beg the judges to “put them through.” They want a free pass into the next level. The next level always says, “No, come back after you’ve perfected your craft.”

Most people spend more time working on their personal promotion than they do their personal development. The revelation is this—it is unnecessary to seek a title because when you grow to exhibit the focus, creativity, mentality, work-ethic, and results of people who hold that title, people will begin referring to you as the person who has that designation.

So, if you’re encountering limits in your thinking, your spiritual life, your business, your career, or your finances, you are probably approaching the next level. What is limit? “Limit is simply a checkpoint at the border of the next level.” Limit pulls the car of your life over at the border of your next level and asks…

  1. Have you packed your bags?
  • Are you just visiting the next level or do you plan to move there permanently?
  • Did you pack for a season or a permanent move?
  • The next level demands proof that you can handle operating on it before it lets you in.
  1. Sir/Ma’am, do you have a passport?
  • Your passport says you are who you say you are.
  • Are you an imposter—imitating people who are on the next level or have you actually picked up the thought patterns, habits, behaviors, and skills of those who are operating on the next level?
  1. Do you have your itinerary?
  • Where are you going from here?
  • How are you going to get there?
  • What tourist traps have you anticipated?
  1. Do you have the resources to sustain you in this new land?
  • Do you have a tour guide (someone who lives on this level who knows their way around)?
  • Have you considered the food (representative of what will sustain you on this level)?
  • What will be your source of inspiration, revelation, and impartation?
  1. Do you have any contraband with you that are not allowed in the new land?
  • Let me check your trunk (the place where you carry things).
  • Do you have any hidden misconduct that will abort your progress once you get to the next level?
  • Are you hiding any people in there (from your past that you’re trying to carry into your future with you)?

…Limit is simply a check point at the border of your next level. When you become qualified for the next level “it” will let you in. What thoughts does this provoke


3 Fool-Proof Ways To Get Pregnant With Expectation

Expectation is the current that drives what happens next—current as in an electrical charge. Current speaks of flow and it speaks of power. A current is power that flows. Your expectation is a source of power that creates a flow of resources and events to bring your expectation to pass. Even God moves where He is expected. There are certain things that God wants to do for you that He requires you to pull out of Him with your expectation.

Expectation must be accompanied by preparation.  Preparation is proof of expectation. At some point you must prepare for the things that you are praying for and believing for. If I invite you to dinner and you confirm that you are coming, I will immediately begin preparing for you. It’s proof of my expectation. What are you preparing for right now? It is proof that you expect it to materialize.

Expectancy speaks of likelihood. That’s why they call pregnant women “expecting.” The pregnancy is proof that a baby will soon be delivered. The revelation is this—you have to get pregnant with what it is you are looking for.

3 Fool-Proof Ways to Get Pregnant With Expectation:

  1. Get around someone who has already birthed what you’re seeking to have or become.
  • When you look at your mentor you are looking at a prophecy of your future.
  • A teacher can teach you what they know—a mentor can impart what they’ve become.
  • Impartation is impregnation.
  1. Feed on a constant diet of what you desire to have or be.
  • What feeds you is what will lead you.
  • When you eat of what something is you become like what it is.
  • When you consume enough of what it is you are going after, it will eventually begin pursuing you, and become a part of you. Here’s your chance to legitimately over eat.
  • You will only go as far as the revelation, information, and impartation that’s feeding you.
  • Ask, seek, knock, push, pursue, investigate, chase, hunt, inquire, dig, search, and study.
  1. Become intimate with what it is you’re going after—make some physical contact.
  • Go take a test drive.
  • Call a travel agent and get some details of the country you dream of traveling to.
  • Have a realtor take you through homes like the one that “has your baby kicking.”
  • Ask the person who is already what you hope to become to allow you to accompany them on their next event or engagement.
  • You must touch, taste, and feel what it is you’re going after.

At some point, when it gets big enough…boom!, that which is inside you will have to be birthed.  You will have that baby!!!

On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being the highest), how would you rate your expectation prior to reading this post? How has this post increased the level of your expectation?