Limit is Simply a Checkpoint at the Border of Your Next Level

Stan Ellis

Stan Ellis

Every level is protected by a barrier. If you haven’t met the qualifications of the next level you will not be allowed into it. Most people want to be promoted without meeting the prerequisites. You’ve seen the sub-par singers auditioning for the popular singing competition on TV. They can’t sing, but they beg the judges to “put them through.” They want a free pass into the next level. The next level always says, “No, come back after you’ve perfected your craft.”

Most people spend more time working on their personal promotion than they do their personal development. The revelation is this—it is unnecessary to seek a title because when you grow to exhibit the focus, creativity, mentality, work-ethic, and results of people who hold that title, people will begin referring to you as the person who has that designation.

So, if you’re encountering limits in your thinking, your spiritual life, your business, your career, or your finances, you are probably approaching the next level. What is limit? “Limit is simply a checkpoint at the border of the next level.” Limit pulls the car of your life over at the border of your next level and asks…

  1. Have you packed your bags?
  • Are you just visiting the next level or do you plan to move there permanently?
  • Did you pack for a season or a permanent move?
  • The next level demands proof that you can handle operating on it before it lets you in.
  1. Sir/Ma’am, do you have a passport?
  • Your passport says you are who you say you are.
  • Are you an imposter—imitating people who are on the next level or have you actually picked up the thought patterns, habits, behaviors, and skills of those who are operating on the next level?
  1. Do you have your itinerary?
  • Where are you going from here?
  • How are you going to get there?
  • What tourist traps have you anticipated?
  1. Do you have the resources to sustain you in this new land?
  • Do you have a tour guide (someone who lives on this level who knows their way around)?
  • Have you considered the food (representative of what will sustain you on this level)?
  • What will be your source of inspiration, revelation, and impartation?
  1. Do you have any contraband with you that are not allowed in the new land?
  • Let me check your trunk (the place where you carry things).
  • Do you have any hidden misconduct that will abort your progress once you get to the next level?
  • Are you hiding any people in there (from your past that you’re trying to carry into your future with you)?

…Limit is simply a check point at the border of your next level. When you become qualified for the next level “it” will let you in. What thoughts does this provoke


I am a creative spiritual strategies seeker, writer, and speaker. I help people who are seeking to advance their life to think in new ways they've never considered so they will gain the edge that will propel them to the next level of life. Some say I'm an innovative strategist, and others say I'm a dynamic thought-provoker. I've heard that I'm an inspiring motivator, momentum-builder, and life-shifter. I've even been called "Spiritual Legislator."

To book Stan Ellis for a speaking engagement, contact:

Darlene Aiken, Agent
D. Aiken & Associates Worldwide

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